
I’m a 20-year-old undergraduate at Rose-Hulman about to start the third and final year of my degree. Along the way, I am picking up minors in computer science and theoretical physics. When I’m not doing math, you can usually find me hiking, skiing, or generally enjoying the outdoors. I also love sharing mathematics with others, for example as a Counselor for Ross.

I like basically every topic in pure math, but my particular favorite subject is algebraic number theory, especially Iwasawa theory and Galois cohomology. I’m currently on a quest to read and understand all of Neukirch, Schmidt, and Wingberg’s Cohomology of Number Fields, which is a book I owe a lot of my mathematical development to.

My senior thesis advisor is Dr. Tim All, where we will be looking at p-adic L-functions and Iwasawa theory. I also had the pleasure of working for him in 2023 as a Ross counselor.

In the summer of 2024, I worked under Dr. Hui Xue in the Clemson REU in number theory, where we studied Rankin-Cohen brackets of modular forms and elliptic curves over finite fields.

You can find my CV here.


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